Low-cost Literacy Tools

Many research studies have found that the combination of both visual and auditory presentation of text used by Text-to-Speech (TTS) software increases comprehension skills, especially for struggling readers. Some of the higher-priced literacy software ($800 – $1300), such as Kurzweil 3000, WYNN Wizard, Solo, and Read Write, offer TTS features. Literacy Software also includes other features such as word prediction, study tools, and research tools. However, many schools face budgetary challenges to provide literacy technology to their students due to the cost. Parents also find it hard to purchase this higher priced software for their children with learning disabilities. The Premier Literacy Package bundle (www.readingmadeez.com) offers a collection of literacy tools that support individuals with learning disabilities – especially developed for reading and writing for less than $280. Consumers can purchase a particular module of the package such as converting text to audio file for less than $70.

Video: Text-To-Audio – PDF Options tutorial from Premier Literacy

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